Daily Diary, Gossip & News

It's been a long time

02/09/2011 08:46


By the title you can see what this is all about. I just haven't been able to sit and write anything here. It's not that things haven't been going on.

I have just been keeping myself busy doing things around The Monster (my house). There are so many things that need to be done most of them cost money that I really don't have. But I did have paint here and I'm NOT a good painter. I gave it a shot anyway. The ceilings are 10' tall and I only have a 6' ladder. A little ingenuity was needed. I painted the foyer a Pale Yellow including all of the trim. I also had 3 double rolls of wallpaper from years ago. I used a bush broom covered with a towel to push the paper up to the top of the wall and to my surprise it met the trim perfect. I'm so proud of me. I am now working on the stairs, landings and banisters. They were all painted battleship gray and looked really bad. They are almost done (after 3 coats of Pure White Oil based paint). So the living room, and Foyer are done for now. I started taking out things that were stacked on top of each other in boxes and stuffed into these tiny so called closets. Now I trip over everything. Took four trips to the Thrift Store to Donate things that I should have never packed. Then there were Mom's things, I cried every time I saw another item. The memories of when and where we got them, the conversations we had, even to what she was wearing at the time all filled my head and the tears just came. Oh Mommy I Miss You So Very Much. I wonder, what will become of me. 

Daily Diary

12/23/2010 12:54


Just another day of survival here me. I haven't had water as you know for a month. I'm hanging in on a shoe string literally. Did you ever think about what it would be like to live without water? How do you use the bathroom? You surely wouldn't use your toilet, would you? You can't because you can't flush. How do you wash up? Wash dishes, clothing clean your floors? You can't cook because you'd have piles of dishes in the sink as well as glasses, mugs, stainless and pots. You could clean the stove properly without water. You can't even make a pot of coffee.

What if you didn't have the money to go out and eat? Not to say that would solve all problems of not having water.
You use baby wipes to wash your body and astringents for your face ( if you can afford them ) So do yourself a favor and if your finding yourself in a downward spiral as I have been stock up on those items. You may also want to make sure that you have some kind of a waterless shampoo around the house. I wasn't smart enough to think of that before. Have paper plates, cups, bowls and plastic utensils on hand. Then last but not least MANY and I mean Many plastic bags. Unless you want to run outside and dig a hole like an animal every time you have to use the potty, you better make sure you have plastic bags to slip over you toilet seat. Remember you can't flush so you don't want the smell let alone the bacteria build up.
As you already know if you read the about me page I'm living in the South. The land where a Garden Hose is called a Hose Pipe, a Traffic Light is a Red Light, Stripped means Stripes ( such as on a shirt, fabric, flag or even an animal) Ex: I saw a stripped cat. The first time a neighbor came over and asked me to use my Hose Pipe I had no idea what he wanted, I simply said I don't think I have one of those.
My neighbor Debbie from across the street came over one day and while sitting on my front porch asked me. Have you ever had oral sex with your Father? I was in shock, I know she could see it and I said, No why would you ask me something like that? She told me she did, and so did her sister, as a matter of fact my brothers had sex with Mama too. But my daddy is a good man, he never hurt anyone. He considered himself the Mayor of this Mill Hill. Everyone loved him. He's still alive and living in a Nursing home, I have to go see my Daddy and tell him how much I love him. I have been the Mayor here ever since he became ill. I don't consider myself a noisy person I just watch and make sure no one is doing the wrong thing to hurt anyone. I had a High School Ed-U-Ma-Kay-ion ya know. My daughter Crystal she has sex with my x-husband Jimmy. Crystal is touched in the head and she get Social Security Disability she's 19 and in the 4th grade. But I have her on birth control pills cause we don't want no babies from her. My son he weighs over 300 lbs and I hope he don't get drafted into the military with this war going on. I'm trying to get him on Social Security Disability now because I want him to get a good Ed-U-Ma_Kay-ion like I had. My husband he's a homeless man. I didn't want to be alone anymore so I let him stay here and one thing led to another. I'm pretty lucky to have a man 10 years younger then me.
I don't think I said one thing and my facial expression never changed. I was in total shock. I finally told her that I don't think that you are very healthy for me.
Anyway today I was outside getting my mail and she saw me, she yelled, Hey Woman. I looked and she said, You workin, I said No, she said No? Alright then I'll see you all later. Ahh sometimes I'm so dumb why did I bother to say anything? I know there was some reason she asked me that. What ever it was I'm sure I'll hear it sooner or later. word gets out quick here on the Mill Hill. They all know that my water has been shut off. But not one has offered to help. Before this happened to me, they all came by asking me for something. I gave the woman next door a ride to place flowers on her brothers grave. I even made the flowers. I'm not in a financial situation to do that. But it was 150 miles away and she is afraid to drive that far and in any kind of traffic. So I did it. Do you think she comes by and offers me a cup of coffee or a bottle of water? Nope. She must be spending lot's of time with her church the good Christian that she is. Oh and she is. They go to their so called Church two and three times a week. Twice on Sunday, no lie. But they still have time to sin so they can go back to Church and be for-given. If they do something wrong it's because the devil made them do it. See people don't always have control over themselves because the Devil leads them to do bad things. He's crafty that Devil. Yet God does things in Mysterious Ways he never gives you more then you can handle.
I am so sick of this God Delusion. I don't believe in the Devil, Santa, The Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny. Who did I leave out? Heaven or Hell. I think we live our lives and sometimes it's Heaven and sometimes it's Hell. 
Watch This below
I know that I am misplaced and need help financially. Have been trying to find work just like others, Many Others out there are. I need to be around people but not the one's that are around me here. I need them to stay away, far away. I have given up on finding my Knight. 
Men are like Parking Spots...The Good Ones Are taken and the Others Are Handicapped  
I have had enough of emotionally handicapped men.



I know it's early for me to be posting about my day. It has only just begun. Hey that reminds me of a song only it went like this. We've only just begun to live, white lace and promises, a kiss for Luck and we're on our Way. By Linda Carpenter. look what happened to her. Not Funny.

Guess what I got up and went right to the phone to call about that job. Circuits are still busy try your call later. Now what I have to call them back? So I run down to the nearest convenience store and YES there it is a payphone! Yea! I call the 800 number after placing in my .50 cents. (remember when it was a dime?) I get the same thing all circuits are busy please try your call later. Now let me remind you it's COLD OUTSIDE and already my finger are numb. So I go inside and (I know the people in there) and get a cup of coffee. I have on a coat but under the coat I still have on my PJ's but they are black so not too bad. I have my greasy hair tied up in a bun on my head. The woman behind the register say's boy your here early, I said yea well do your phones work. She said only for incoming calls all the circuits are busy for out going. Why I asked she said maybe lot's of people are calling home for the Holidays. I laughed and I had just taken a sip of my coffee so it came out my nose. It figures added to my attire for the morning, sortta like an accessory for my outfit. I told her that I tried using the pay phone and got the same thing. Then she handed me her cell phone and Guess what? Yep you got it all circuits were busy. I looked at her so she tried, yea again. So what do I do? I got in my car and headed down to the store that called me. But wait! I don't have gas in the car. I scan my dept card, it say's see attendant. I'm not going to run back into the store again. I have $5.00 in my wallet, the pump takes money so I'll just do it here at the pump. It get the first and second dollar in and it doesn't like my third, so I try another, nope, next, nope. So I take the $2.00 of gas and off I go. I get to the store and tell the manager why I am there with my conformation number and apologize for my appearance. She giggles. Their phones are working. You don't talk to a manager in person you have to do a phone interview. They give me a phone and tell me when it the message asking me to pick numbers press 2. I did. Number 2 was the wrong number and shortly say's thank you and hangs up. So I called back. I press 2. It's a totally different message again not the right one for me and it hangs up. I did this 5 times and each time it was a different message with different options so this time I didn't press 2 I pressed 0. Ahh yes! a human. She tells me to hold and hangs up on me. You know what I did. I did it again and she answers telling me she was sorry and know I get to place my conformation number in and have my interview. Did I get the job? I have no idea. seems they were doing a few phone interviews for that same position at $7.90 an hour part time.

Anyway I'm home and I have to go and feed Rusty. I'm sure I'll be back later to add more to this. No donations today. No the other donations have not hit my bank yet from Paypal.  

12/21/2010 at 1: PM

I'm back just for a little while. Just got another donation of $10.00. Like I said every bit helps. Now it's off to Wally World to get food for my birds. Oh yes I forgot to let everyone know that I have 2 birds. I used to have 3 but one died last month. I had 2 Finch Beeper and Peeper. Peeper died she was the female. now Beeper screams most of the time he doesn't like not having her around. Then my Parakeet Wilma. 

I just thought of something else that I wanted to write on this blog. One of my neighbors needed a reside to Georgia to place flowers on her brothers grave. She is afraid of driving that far and in traffic. She asked me to bring her. I am not in a financial situation to do so (as you all know) but I found a way and brought her there. I also made the flowers for the grave.

She knows that I don't have water, everyone here knows. Everything gets out it 

spreads like Wild Fire. Does she bring me over maybe a cup of coffee, a gallon of water, call me to see how I am. Nope she hides haven't seen or heard from her at all. She must be spending lot's of time at her church being the good Christian she is. Again I just wanted to add that.


Good Morning...Well we'll see how today goes. I have a bottle of water in the fridge so I'm going to have a cup of tea. I usually make coffee but there is no water to clean the coffee pot there is no way i'm going to use it. If you notice I had a donation of $545.00 on 12/20/2010. I still do not have that cleared from Bank of America. They say it takes 3 to 4 working days to do so from PayPal. So I still do not have water. I feel so Yucky, I can't stand myself. I clean up the best I can but it's getting to the point where baby wipes aren't cutting it anymore. I have to get the dogs outside and feed Rusty. Other then that not much more to post here right now. I will be back later.

1 pm

I had a sale and that gives me enough money to have my water turned on. "YES" I'm not out of the problems totally but YEA I WILL GET TO Take A BATH TODAY & WASH CLOTHS!!!!!! Okay so I call the water company and they don't answer the phone. You have to leave a number and your account number and when they have time they will call you back. I have to pay $126. and change to have the water turned back on. Now that includes $80.00 in disconnection fees so see my bill wasn't all that high. So I figure okay, I'll go online and pay it. So I go online. The bill online is $238.00 and you can't make a partial payment. Besides why is it that high? It's been a while and the water company still has not called me back. If they send someone out to turn the water back on after 4:30 pm then there is an extra $15.00 charge. So I call back and again leave my name and number. Then the waiting. Finally at almost 4 pm the phone rings and it's the water company. I told her that I tried to pay this online and that the cost was much higher and I wanted to know why. She said it is because they don't take off what you owed from the month before when the bill shows up online. Ha? Okay I said to myself in my head that makes Southern sence. Let's pay this bill and get someone here to turn this water back on. With that taken care of I now find out that before January 6, I have to have another $98.28 paid or the water is off again. Then there is another $40.00 fee.

It didn't take long for the man to get here and I had water. I turned on the water heater and went right to the laundry room and put detergent in the washing machine. When the water was hot I ran the machine filling it with extra bleach. The dish washer was filled with all the dirty dishes, stainless and glasses. Then me it was time for me to take a shower. But I felt strange and lightheaded. I think that I had a delay in my reactions and now after holding this all in the best I could it hit me like a ton of bricks. I had to go and lay down for a while till this past. After a few hours I finished up all the wash and emptied the dish washer. Cleaned out the sink in the kitchen. With a clean night gown and robe I filled the tub up and took a nice long relaxing bath. What a glorious feeling, the smell of comfort was and is beyond words.




The day for me is going to start off with a pot of coffee. Oh it smells so good. Dogs have been out and since I used the belly bands on them last night no big mess this morning. Here are what belly bands are just click this link. .www.sassypup.net/Belly-Bands-Dog-Diapers-p-1-c-357.html Now I don't have to explain them. The problem was all of the ones I had were dirty and in the machine. Buddy the Mexican hates when he hears the sound of Velcro. He shows all his teeth because he knows he's going to get a diaper on. I have to get a towel and wrap his head so he can't bite me while I put on his diaper. He also curses at he, If I knew dog talk I'd know exactly what he is saying, but even without that knowledge I can more or less figure it out. After he is diapered he goes and beats the other dogs up because they bark and get really happy as he growls at me. Guess they are laughing at him and he doesn't like it.

Here is The Bud Man below. He looks harmless enough..Yea Sure he is. I have to wash his face.


This is his daughter Emily. She is a French Mexican her Mom was a Pomeranian. Her name was Tea Cup she past away last January. She had no eyes. They are my Mom's dogs. I Miss You Mom!!!

Yes they are small but they make a big mess! besides there are more then those 2 below you will see the rest of the pack.


RattlesGabby Tiny

So there are my trouble makers.

I got all the rest of my orders out today and I hope that people who ordered yesterday don't expect these items Christmas gifts.

No sales or donations today. No the big donation is still not showing up in Bank Of America from the Paypal transfer. I need to take care of the car insurance and quickly! I don't know I may already to be too late.




Wow it's Christmas Eve. For me know it's just another day. Yet when I look back it used to be so very special. Being Italian American I think it was extra special. It was the day we Celebrated Family. The entire family, Aunts, Uncles, Cousins,Grandchildren, Moms and Dads' all gathered at Grandma and Poppa's house. There was a big tree full of presents under it. The house was full of people, folding tables lined with chairs, the Smell of Italian food Garlic, Olive Oil and Gravy as Poppa called it with Meatballs, Sausage and BRACIOLE. For those of you that don't know what that is click here. www.cooks.com/rec/search/0,1-0,braciole,FF.html 

Now I didn't see it listed there like we make it. But that will give you an idea. The tables were of Lasagna, Baked Ziti, Garlic Bread, Struffoli recipeland.com/recipe/v/Struffoli-Honey-Balls-1120 and the list doesn't end. But I have to add Poppa Pizza!


It was by no means a quite day, the family was loud, they laughed they argued, kids ran all over the house while Christmas Music played in the background.

It didn't matter if you could afford to get there or not. You better be there! If you needed help you were rescued by someone in the family if not by all. It was a day of Food and Family. The family played cards and at midnight we all opened gifts as someone took the role of Santa. The kids counted their gifts and if one had more then the others, YOU BETTER WATCH OUT! We all slept there over night because Christmas day it started all over with left overs and new foods being placed out. Oh I forgot to add while gifts were being open the aroma of Italian Sausage being fried with green peppers and onion filled the air, while Italian bread warmed in the oven.

At night when all us kids were in a room sharing beds or on the floor with our pillows the revenge would start in the dark. The one with more gifts would be picked on, the door would open by Poppa saying Go To Sleep Now! Someone would always say, Or What and he'd grab them and play fight, we'd all attack and jump all over him getting him down on the floor or one of the beds. The day wasn't over without a wrestling match with our Poppa. How I miss those days, not only as a child but as an adult. My Poppa was The Best! I Love and Miss You Very Much Poppa! Paul Guido the most Wonderful Man I ever had in my life.

Now here I am I find myself begging for help from Strangers just to survive. I look around me and I see only grief from so many people. I search the Internet and read all the stories and wish that I were the one in a financial situation to give instead of asking. There is something wrong in this Country The United States Of America, where Our Slogan is, "Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses longing to be free..."

Why don't we help the people that are already here? Why don't many of us that were born here get a that helping hand up. There are many out there that need help. Then there are those who get a hand out. There's a difference here. Yet the ones who take advantage are the one's who continue to get help from our government agencies. You all know what I'm saying here and those people know who they are.

Then there is the illegal aliens. Immigration is now and always has been a tricky affair. The delicate balance of need and want, verses can and should. We can certainly understand someone living in desperate conditions wanting to improving their lot in life. What better place to do it than the greatest nation on earth. America is the envy of the world. We are a magnet, and a beacon. We need to start finding a way to care for the people who are here and are Americans First.

Enough of that for now. I'm jabbering. You have to remember I now live most of my life in Cyber Space. I have no one around me to talk to at all, other then these animals I have. Oh I have a friend I have never met his name is Ray. When the phone rings anywhere from 11 PM to 1 AM in the morning I know who it is. Oh, here's something with the Paypal thing. My friend just had a big order and received payment via his Paypal account. Now remember when you get an order for merchandise it isn't All Profit. There is product to be purchased either pre made items or supplies to make those items. Then there is the now very costly shipping fees for those products to be sent to you so you can start to work on your order. That comes out of your profits.

Most Companies that order these big orders also add a very stressful "I Need It By Now Date" giving you a unreasonable time frame. Most of the time they expect Miracles and we try to meet there needs. It's not like they didn't know way in advance that they wanted to purchase the items, you give them a price, it sits on someone's desk for approval they wait to do the approval till the last minute then they want it now. What do you do? You don't want to turn down the order, you do your best to get the work done even if it means you don't sleep till it's done. See I went off in another direction again.

Paypal now has the payment from the buyer. So on a $11,000.00 order they take $400.00. So your left with $10,960.00. That is still not profit. You have to get supplies to fill this order glassware, materials, what ever. They may be from different suppliers. So maybe you come out with say $2,000.00 profit tops for your time and labor. Even with a business account you have a set limit on how much of your own money you can spend from your Paypal account. So you are placed in a position that you can't get the things you need in time. You can transfer into your bank account on file to your bank but that is also limited. Then it takes 4 to 6 days now for it to show up into your account. What happens when you have to have the product done and to your customer in a 7 to 10 day  time frame ? Sometimes they get angry and ask for a refund. Even if you tell then in advance or on contract that there is No Refund on This Order it doesn't matter. They can then contact Paypal and place a dispute, then Paypal holds that amount of Money from you with a charge back. It doesn't matter if you already ordered some of the products to fill your order Paypal just places your account in the negative. Or if you had funds there from someone else's order they take that so now how are you going to fill that previous order? It all stops you from filling the orders and your stuck owing Paypal Money, your stuck now with merchandise you really don't need and to ship it back to your supplier the shipping cost is on you. Not to mention you lost your order.

Business here in the USA are going under left and right. Yet the importing from China is on the rise. The merchandise for the most part is Shit and when you order (if you have the funds to do so) You are stuck with it. Most of the time it is so inferior that you can't do anything with it no one would want to buy it, it's so bad. What are you going to do ship back to China, most likely not. They don't care, you may order socks and you get shirts. You may order something that is blue and you get black. They don't care, Paypal doesn't care, credit card companies don't care. It's from out of the country so No One Cares, nothing you can do. So anyway my friend is desperately trying to figure out how he can get his OWN Money to fill his order out of his Paypal account. Just as I am to pay my bills.

My money is again in route as I said earlier before I went off in so many different direction on this post. I am hitting so many brick walls it is starting to cause me physical as well as emotional pain. So for those of you out there that think I'm just a whiner, cry baby, beggar, looser, misfit, idiot, manipulator, con artist, lazy, uneducated, jerk, have no pride, or whatever you can add to this list. I'm sorry you feel that way. There is nothing I can say or do to make you think any different. I'm not going to try. I am how-ever persistent.

Happy Holiday's

Any donation will help it all adds up.

Please Donate!


8:46 AM

I woke about an hour ago. Never made it upstairs last night fell out on the couch. Woke to find Gabby (my cat) on top of one of the couch pillows. I don't like animals on my furniture. They have beds of their own. He's 20 years old now and starting to do really strange things. Most of them are things he never even did as a kitten.

I made my coffee, picked up after the dogs and let them out side. I had hung a tire from a tree when I first got Rusty & Stewie.( Stewie is no longer with us I will explain later) They are goats.


I did in hopes that they would have something to play with. Well finally Rusty found it and as I poured my coffee I watched out the window as he was playing. It was so funny I wish I had a way to video it and place it up here. Stewie had a problem where sometimes he would just fall over and when he did Rusty would beat him up really bad. I wasn't always around to go out and pick him up. Eventually he died. I talked to a Goat Rancher here in the area and explained what was going on when he was still alive and she told me that it sounded like Stewie was a mix breed and part Fainting Goat. That mixing that breed with a as they call it here Meat Goat is not a good idea. Here is a video of a Fainting Goat.



Stewie was sweet, and Rusty is very aggressive.

Today is Christmas yet for me like any other day. For all of you out there that are upset that you couldn't afford to give gifts to your family. I'd like to say that be happy that you are together. I know it's not easy right now, but enjoy the time you have together. That in itself is a Gift.

I did make myself a pot of sauce for dinner, that will be a treat and should last me for a few days. I'll freeze some so I have it when I want it again. Other then that nothing more to write at this time. I'm sure I'll be back later.

11:10 AM: One of my neighbors brought me over a Christmas presant. What a surprise. Cute too she knows I like polka dots and my not yet finished kitchen is blue. The gifts is 2 polka dot coffee mugs with a package of coffee. I was running low and it is a perfect gift for me.Came from https://colorfuldishes.com/product_info.php?products_id=4249&osCsid=69b11f201d85c203e6a8567a72dc1f8c

 2:34 PM

I was just going through a box that I had in the closet. There were items in it that belonged to my Mom. I found a package that had my name on it. It was a gift to me from my Mother that she never gave me. She past away not so long ago from Pancreatic Cancer. I Miss You Mom so very much. www.medicinenet.com/pancreatic_cancer/article.htm

I was invited to go out and have dinner with A wonderful family here in Anderson. Yes it turns out there is "1" that has come my way. It's really funny in a way. One of them was or is my Realtor. Bet he never thought that I was never part of the deal. We went downtown Anderson and the Christmas lights were beautiful, it was snowing and the reflection of the lights glistened. Being Christmas night town was empty. They have two daughters and when they came in the door of the resturant it brought a smile to my face. They both looked beautiful from head to toe. Something I have not seen in such a very long time here in the Mill Hill. The dinner orders consisted of: Bangers and Eggs, Bangers and Mash, Fish and chips (mine) and then Henny Penny Basket ahh she ate Henny Penny! "The sky is falling down," said Henny Penny.

"I will come with you," said Cocky Locky.


Thank You for thinking of me!

Ray called and informed me that there was a really bad storm coming up to the north from the south. I knew it was snowing outside so I went and took a peek out the front door. Then it dawned on me "RUSTY" where was My Rusty? I quickly ran to the back of the house and looked out my kitchen door. There he was laying there on the deck covered with snow. He had a hard time getting up because his sweater was stuck to the frozen deck. I told Ray I had to get off the phone and go lead Rusty to his hut. I got dressed and grabbed my only loaf of bread, out the door I went into the dark back yard with my bamboo staff and the bread. Rusty followed me to the hut that is now really only a frame with tarps hanging from it because he ate the outside. But I placed a wood pallet inside and a bale of straw to keep him warm. I tossed the slices of bread inside and he went after them. I guess he got the idea. I stood by the kitchen window when I got back into the house for a little bit and he didn't come back out. I felt better now that he would be safe and warm for the night.

Back to Henny Penny she was right, in my case anyway, The Sky is falling!


I'm awake and the outside is covered with snow. Not much just enough to look pretty. It's been many years since I have seen snow. After I finish my coffee I will let the dogs out and see what they think of snow. This should be funny. Okay well they went out and nothing to report. It didn't seem to phase them at all. Rusty is fine and it has started to lightly snow again. It is COLD out there!

I'm starting to panic again. Being the Holiday season I still don't have orders coming in. Bill are due again and I don't want to loose my electric due on the 28th, water was turned back on so there is an outstanding on it of $98.00. I have no idea if my car insurance is canceled by now or not, actually I afraid to call and ask. That is $171.00. Internet, phone, and TV is $158.00 due. The list still goes on! I may not show the stress on the outside but inside it is killing me. No donations have come in. Maybe I shouldn't list them here, I'm just trying to be upfront I thought it only fair. That may be my big problem. I never hide anything and always try to be fair. When asked a question I tell truth, even if the truth (as in my case) sounds different and on the lets say colorful side. 

I don't know what I am going to do with myself today. Seems like I should accomplise something I hate vegetating. No place to go and couldn't go anyway have to save the gas I have in the car. Talking about the car it needs an oil change! Guess I could vaccume WOW how Great is that! 

No the donation I got still has not hit Bank of America from Paypal as of yet. I'm so messed up. Maybe I'll be back later.



 11:57 AM


I was delivered a Gift Basket  from Apron Strings. It has Homemade Pumpkin Bread, a Jar of Pumpkin Butter and a Jar of Black Raspberry Jam. Well I opened it up and cut a slice, added Pumpkin Butter on top the Whipped Cream Cheese. "WOW"! This is to DIE FOR!!!!!!!! You have to try some.

Her name is: Mary Jenkinson

Phone: 864-296-5574

Mobile: 864-221-2721

Email is: mkjenks@hotmail.com 

Web Site: www.bonanzle.com/booths/ApronStrings

Now it doesn't seem to have her food items on the page but there are some really cute Aprons, Doilies, Baby Bibs and Blankets and other Handmade items there.

The gift basket came with a menu. You can get a Menu or Contact Mary with the above info.

She Has the following:


Black Raspberry ($4.00)

Sugar Free Black Raspberry ($5.00)

Blueberry ($5.00)

Candy Apple Jelly ($4.00)

Cranberry Walnut Jam ($5.00)

Fig Jam ($4.00)

Sugar Free Fig Jam ($5.00)

Fig Preserves ($5.00)

Hot Chipolete Salsa ($4.00)

Kool-aid Jelly Black Cherry ($4.00)

No Sugar Added Apple Cider Jelly ($5.00)

Moonshine Jelly ($4.00)

Sugar Free Peach Jam ($5.00)

Hot Pepper Jelly ($5.00)

Pepper Relish ($5.00)

Pumpkin Butter ($4.00) I HAVE THIS ONE! 

Pumpkin Butter with Pecans ($5.00)

Baked From Scratch Goodies

Carrot Cake Muffin: $2.00 each

Banana Bread: $7.00

Pumpkin Bread: $7.00

Zucchini Bread: $7.00

Banana Bread with Walnuts: $8.00

Sour Cream Pound Cake/Loaf: $8.00

Zucchini Bread Bread with Walnuts: $8.00

Carrot Cake with Cream Cheese Frosting: $15.00

Fruit Cake Loaf: $15.00 each or 2 for $25.00

Red Velvet Cake: $20.00

Pound Cake Bundt pan: $15.00 


Wow it is already 1:43 PM and I am still in my night gown. I just feel emotionally drained. Have you ever had that dream where you are falling? I know you have. Well I seem to be having that even while I'm awake. The Paypal transfer finally showed up in my Bank Account. So that was a Wonderful thing to wake up to this morning. I'm not out of the water yet. I want to add that anyone that makes a donation to me will get eaither a handmade hat or rag rug from me. I make them out of old sheets, clothing, sweaters, curtains or what ever fabric I can get my hands on free or anything I have that I can repurpose. I'm sure you will like them. 

I am very Grateful for the donations I have been given to date. It was the best Christmas present to have water and electric. The two things that many take for granted. Even though I was alone and may I add loney. I still decorated and had my tree. I did it for my Mom. I haven't told you about my Mom yet have I? She past on her 75th birthday. All my savings as well as her's had been exhausted trying to save her life. Medical even with her insurance did not cover all the costs. She was in and out of Hospitals for over a year. Now business is so slow that I find myself in a never ending battle to survive and deal with the loss of my Mom at the same time. She was not only my Mom but my best friend. We were together everyday for the past 20 years. I had also made her a promise that I would take care of her pets. My poor doggies, she would cry all the time. So there is a little bit more about part of my life.

I will slowly Welcome you into my world as I get up the courage to do so. Right now I'm going to go and get myself dressed. I have another job interview at 3: PM, so we will see how it goes.




As everyone can see I never got back online yesterday. There was nothing to report. I took the day and started packing up the Christmas decorations and I'm trying to figure out how to keep them safe when I place them back under the house. It's a crawl space with nothing but dirt floors. I have some of those big totes, but that will be very hard for me to carry. Once again I will find a way. It really scary to think about getting even older and how am I going to do things by myself. What is going to become of me? I look in the mirror and don't recognize the person looking back at me. I remember one day calling Mother and saying I have a problem Ma, she said what? I told her that I just got out of the bath and saw myself in the mirror and someone stole my ass. Because the one I have on now isn't mine. She laughed and told me I was crazy. Think about it. Anyone who say's they don't have a problem with growing old must have had a very fulfilled life. 

I don't think I mentioned the suggestions that I got someone I know on how to spend my Christmas Day. His name is Mike S. He suggested that I get myself dressed nice and find a bar that was open. LOL are you crazy Mike? I should go and sit at a Bar?  He couldn't understand why I didn't think it was a positive option for me. Maybe you'll meet someone nice there. Sure maybe I should just look on Craigs List and find me someone I said. He said yea there ya go that may work. Thanks Mike S but no thanks I will pass. 


It wasn't so hard to meet people when I lived on Long Island. There was always something to do. Family parties, friends getting together. Even when I lived in Colorado there was more life. Florida not so much. People there stay in their homes, they don't know their neighbors. If you didn't drink or do drugs you didn't fit in. Most of the people I knew there were from my Flea Market Booth days. Yes I used to have a booth at Flea Masters in Fort Myers Florida. It got to the point where I didn't want to pay for my social life. That was really all it was. Money wasn't adding up, it was costing me just as much to pay the rent as it was in sales. It wasn't only that way for me. Most people went there to have something to do on the week-end and eat in the food court. You didn't see many people walking around with a bag in their hand. Now the produce people did very well. Here I noticed the same thing. I also noticed that there are venders that sell some horrible merchandise. They sell Slavery items. Some are old and others are just re-makes. I'm not talking the Black American items like the cast iron black boy eating watermelon banks type items. They have collars that say thing like Negro child only, chains that were placed around slaves ankles and necks. It was very upsetting to me. Some say it's just history. I say bull-shit. Enough already. I was in an old so called Antique shop at Flea Masters and saw a lamp shade that said Jew Skin on it when I lived in Florida, I did report that to the office. I don't know whatever became of it. When is this kind of thing going to stop? 


There I go I'm off and running in another direction again.

My mind wonders sometimes when I write. I usually just let it go where ever it takes me. As you can see.


Well today I have to go out and send some cards. There are people that are just asking for Greeting Card donations on Wish Upon a Hero. Right now that is all I can give back for the donation that was given to me. I am going to send out seven cards. I made them with paper I have here. I even made the envelopes. If you get a chance you should look at the site www.wishuponahero.com/browsewish/?sort=all


I'll be back later to report the rest of my day.

Please Donate & Remember every donation no matter how small will get a handmade gift from me.

5:45 PM

I had to go to Wally World today (Walmart) I picked up the things I needed and went to the check out. I'm standing there in line and the man in front of me lets out this Big Long Loud Fart. I jumped back placing my hand over my nose and banging into the woman behind me's cart. She didn't seem to notice. Or did she think it was me? It stunk so bad I wanted to barf. He didn't flinch. He didn't say he was sorry, excuse me nothing. He didn't even giggle. I left the line I couldn't stand the smell. Gross!



Shame on me. I haven't written in my blog for a few days. I have just been so depressed I don't know what to do with myself. I have filled out application after application online and no the phone has not wrung with any call backs as of yet. Maybe it was because of the holiday, I have no idea. But it helps me cope by thinking so.

So a New Year and a year older is all it is for me right now. I did send out one hat for a $26.00 donation. $20.00 and the $4.95 shipping, then what PayPal takes out of that.

Not really much else to report right now. I will try to get back here later today if anything comes up.

Happy New Year.



Here's something interesting to read:

How unemployment is becoming an age-old problem

Behind the horrible jobless numbers lies another story: if you're over 50, you soon wonder whether you will ever work again.


A deal is in the works to continue unemployment insurance for people who have exhausted 26 weeks of benefits, but it appears that those who have received 99 weeks – referred to as 99ers – will not be entitled to any additional weeks. In the meantime, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke predicted last week that it would take four or five years for the unemployment rate to return to "normal".

I lost my job as lawyer almost two years ago. Recently, while continuing to search for legal work, I began writing about unemployment for Examiner.com. I have received hundreds of emails from unemployed readers all over the country. The most heart-wrenching are those from people in their fifties and sixties, who, like me, are beginning to lose hope of ever working again.

Of the approximately 15 million Americans who are out of work, around 2.2 million are aged 55 and over, and almost half of them have been out of work for more than six months. Positioned between our elderly parents and our still-minor children, we were, until now, sometimes called "the sandwich generation". Now, we might better be called "the new lost generation".

While some have spouses who are working, many others are slipping into poverty. We continue to fight tenaciously to find jobs. This note from reader Susan, who was laid off from her job as a controller, is fairly typical of the emails I receive:

"I have sent out hundreds of resumes, spent hundreds of hours networking and gone on perhaps 15 interviews, with two offers that were rescinded ... I have offered my services for cleaning homes, cleaning stalls, stocking shelves – anything!!! – and have been rebuffed. My benefits expired months ago, I've used the last of my savings, exhausted the equity that remained in my home and am now looking for things I can sell."

Many of my readers are accustomed to succeeding at whatever they attempt. Rob, 57, writes:

"I am a well-educated high-tech executive with over 35 years experience; an A player, a first-string starter. I lost my job to outsourcing back in September 2008 ... I have been unable to find work of any kind over the past 26 months ... I have sent out over 350 resumes resulting in a few phone interviews and one face to face interview. I even dumbed down my resume trying to get $12/hr jobs with no luck. My unemployment benefits ran out in October 2010 ... I will soon be forced to sell my home; my home of over 15 years where I raised my kids as a single dad. I don't have any idea where I will end up; and at 57, if I will ever work in high tech again. In the meantime, I cut lawns, do handyman work, and fix computers. Actually, I love the work but it is not enough to sustain me."

Many of the emails detail the age discrimination my readers and I face. Susan writes:

"I have actually seen one company change their ad the day after I interviewed, initially setting a maximum age and then revising that to a maximum number of years' experience."

Much of the discrimination is subtle. A very typical job posting for an attorney states: "We are looking for a recent law school graduate to join a team of young attorneys." My readers and I have become accustomed to the code words used in job postings – energetic, bright, motivated, exceptionally computer savvy, able to multi-task and work in a fast-paced environment – as one of my readers put it, we "know they mean young and cute".

Summing up our experience, Jeffrey, age 60, writes:

"After 40 years of successful employment, I find myself feeling discarded and almost invisible as if experience has no value no matter what concessions you make."

I am getting overwhelmed by a sense of loss from these emails. I watch a TV show with my daughter, and when I return to my desk, another dozen woeful tales have popped up in my inbox. "Mom!" my daughter says anxiously after reading two of them, "stop inviting them to write to you!" But I can't do that. They, we, deserve to have our voices heard.

Remember Every Paypal Donation over $20.00 gets a Gift from me


It's so hard to write 2011. So strange.

I have to go and see 2 different temp services in the morning. Seems some companies use temps for their workers. Why? I have no idea. Not much going on today. Doing laundry and had to make an order to ship in a few days after it dries.

I have all the Christmas stuff packed up and ready to go back into storage. I need help with that. Who's going to help? I have no one.

Here is something funny to watch. www.wimp.com/animalvoiceovers/


Yes I know I haven't been around in a few days. But I am here now

Went to a few temp employment agencies and filled out applications for Any kind of work. Full or part time I really don't care anything will help. They were telling everyone that was there that at this time of the years after the holidays the companies they work with don't do much hiring. We were told that maybe they would start giving calls in about a week or so. There were so many people there that some of us were standing outside the door. It was kind of sad also because there was a couple in their 70's looking for work. 

I have made a few sales on Ebay, but after ebay fee's and paypal fee's it was and isn't much of a profit if any. I think maybe I come out with around $2.00 each on every sale. So I made $8.00.

Other then that really not much going on here. Same old thing with the animals. Been hanging around the house as to not waste gas. Living on Pasta and bread for my meals. Oh and eggs. Scrambled, fried, hard boiled, egg salad...Not funny!

Rusty has totally destroyed my screen door entrance to my kitchen and I'm afraid it is just a matter of time before he breaks the glass on the inside door.

No donations to report.   


I have been ill with fever for the last 2 days. It's very frightening to be here alone and this ill. I'm at my wits end with these animals and cleaning up after them. I feel like I live in a kennel. Gabby my 20 year old cat has been adding to all the problems. It seems he is senile. He clawed me while I was sleeping last night and I couldn't get his claw out of my arm. He torn a half inch gash and it still stings. He constantly runs from bowl to bowl (animal water bowls) alerting me that it needs to be filled even if there is water in it. He makes it a point to trip me to get me to go where he wants. He is doing things he never did as a kitten. Walking across the kitchen table, jumping on the stove when I'm cooking, pulling covers off the beds, trying to open doors that are closed, sticking his claws in my leg when I'm on the computer, to chewing on my silk flower arrangements. It's never ending and I don't know what to do with him. He's been with me 20 to 22 years now, I have lost count. Do I just say okay that's enough and have him put down? He's not physically ill just mentally he has lost it.

It started snowing last night around midnight and it's still coming down. Looks really pretty outside. I have to go out there and get the kitty littler out of the trunk and like I said I am sick with fever. But I have no choice it has to be done. Garbage needs to be put out also but the snow is so heavy I don't know if the trash company will be working today.Sales are still very slow and not enough to pay any bills with. Nothing big coming in. For some reason fake deviled eggs are running. Funny how it goes that way. There must be something in the universe that say's, everyone order Fake Deviled Eggs, Or everyone order Fake Candy and so on. So there I gave you another hint on what it is I make and sell.

Don't forget if you can Donate you'll get a free gift from me. 



I am still sick. I haven't had one call back from any of my applications. Did get a small $20.00 order. Snow seems to be melting outside. I did venture out yesterday to go to the Post Office but it was closed! Boy how things have changed. Not only does the Post Office close for lunch but what happened to the No matter snow nor rain nor sleet nor hail thing?

I don't know what is going to happen in this country but things had better start changing soon. I you have a job be happy that you are working and stop bitching about it. If there is a such thing as blessings start counting them.

I also saw this last night on Anderson Cooper 360 ac360.blogs.cnn.com/

Have you heard about this Cindy Jacobs?  Now it seems that Gay Soldiers are the cause of birds dying. What? Watch this




Having problems today with this program. So what else is new right? Nothing is easy. I'm still having problems with the death of my Mother. When does it go away? It never bothered me before to go to a Cemetery now it does. I recently brought my neighbor. I used to work at a Funeral Home Cleaning at night. Now I get the chills just driving by one. I can't watch movies where there is death and they show bodies. That's just about every show on TV anymore. You'd think that there were enough Cop Shows but no, more on everyday. I never thought much of the fact  that I'm Italian American. But the Mafia movies are really getting to me. Enough already!

I am going to venture out to the Post Office again today and get this order out. Bills are starting to pile up again. My insides are starting to shake. I think I'm gonna loose it.

Oh not that it means anything. But I did meet someone. Seemed like a nice guy. We met for coffee, but he never bought me coffee. In fact he never offered anything. I didn't say anything the entire hour that we sat there at a corner back table. I wanted to see how far or how long it would take for him to order. My usual way of dealing with disbelief. Like I said an hour of conversation and nothing. The next day he called and wanted to know if I would like to go to the Lake and feed the duck, take a little walk. Did I take last night as a hint? No I gave him another chance. I met him, got into his car and he said did you bring the bread? So I had him drive to my place and came in and got my only loaf of bread to feed to ducks, when I don't have money to go food shopping. Funny thing is while I was doing this that voice in my head was yelling, "KATHY!" But did I listen, nope as usual I gave him yet another chance. It actually felt like I was kicking myself in the ass as I walked out my door to get back into the car. So we fed the ducks MY BREAD. The next day again he called asking me if I wanted to do anything. I said like what, he asked that I come over to his place where he lives with his 35 year old daughter that does not work, never had a job, and has no intention of even getting a drivers licence. Now I didn't just give these chances because don't think that I'm hard up for a man. I'd rather vacuum a office building, and I hate to vacuum. But he had recently (within a year) lost his wife and a 26 year old daughter within days of each other. So I figured chances were appropriate. I get there and the place is a total pig pen. Inside and out. Oh he has toys. Helicopter, yes that is what I said. He sold his plane and showed pictures, telescopes big enough for me to crawl into,CB stuff from floor to ceiling, 2 boats, Motorcycle, RV  and so many other things I don't want to list them all. But the carpets in the house looked like fabric pulled from wall to wall they were so worn, the sofa I didn't want to sit on, the dust was so high I could have built Sand Castles. Countertops full of stuff, tables full of stuff and some of it bags of trash. He then brings out some massage oil and wants to massage my neck. He then say's why didn't you bring some oil. I said why am I cooking? Later when I got home I saw that there was an email from him asking me to bring massage oil. Anyway after a few minutes this all got old for me. He never offered me anything to drink, or to go anyplace. So I left. Now the next day he shows up at my door. Massage oil in hand. I let him in and he asked me if I would follow him to drop his RV off for a recall this week. He said while we are there we'll go fly my toy airplane. It's only going to take them 20 to 30 minutes to fix the problem then you can go. What? The what was in my head as usual. I'm not going to do that. I should use my gas to go fly a freaking toy airplane. No it didn't come out of my mouth. Then he say's Hun, Hun? Me? I'm your Hun. Let me give you a massage. I finally said hey, your not getting into my pants. So forget it. I don't want a massage and I don't want to give a massage. So he headed up my stairs bottle in hand. Where are you going, oh I'm just going to leave this on your night table so when you change your mind it will be there. How rude is that? No it didn't stop there. He still calls and I answer but that's it for me. Hope he gets the hint. He's not a child "62", and he's educated. I must be the stupid one here.    

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